Level 1/2 - suggested ages 6-12 (or anyone new to cheer that needs to learn their terminology)
Level 3 - suggested ages 8-13 (1-2 years experience cheering)
Cheer 4 (Advanced) - suggested ages 11-18
Cheer classes teach the skills needed to become a non-competitive cheerleader. Classes begin with a warm-up and stretch followed by motion drills and combinations. Students learn to incorporate jumps, kicks, and splits into their routines while increasing flexibility, strength and endurance. Tumbling skills are also introduced and build with each level, but they are not the primary emphasis of this class. The main emphasis is on cheer techniques-motion drills, dance and cheer combinations, chants, jumps, kicks, and splits.
Summer Session will not include any costumes or recital, but will include some technique as well as combinations.
Fall Session classes will culminate in an annual Recital and include added costs such as costume and recital fees.
Dress Code Required for ALL Students: form fitting clothing (shorts and tshirt or sports bra with tank top are acceptable), SOLID WHITE athletic/cheer sneakers (do not wear shoes from school to dance - these should be dance only shoes). Hair should be up and away from face in a high pony tail, braid, etc.
(All are available for sizing and purchase in our CMI Boutique)