Private Lessons

Most of our instructors offer private lessons. If you would like to take a private lesson you must ask your class instructor first to see if they are available.  If they are not, they will then recommend another instructor that may be able to accommodate your scheduling needs.

To receive private lessons a student must be enrolled in at least one regular class (of the same style) and must get permission in advance from the instructor for the private lesson style of dance and scheduling.  
All private lessons are considered technique training and therefore are NOT included in the final showcase each year. 

Private Lessons Rates are $35 per 30 minutes
Private Lessons are scheduled directly with the instructor through a private BAND AP Group
​Your monthly account with CMI must be current to be eligible to take any private lessons

IF you would like to prepare a  Solos, duets or trio to perform at our annual shows OR to take to local competitions and you will utilize private lessons are welcomed to perform in our annual Showcase in late Spring, but would be required to pay the Showcase Fee should you decide to participate.