Teen Mentor Program (13+)
Does your teen want to continue with their dance and performing arts education after high school, but you aren't sure where to start with options? College, certification programs, private training, auditioning, traveling performance companies, local theatre troups and so many more options are out there......where do you and your student start????
Count Me In offers our students in house training programs where we provide mentoring programs for select students starting their freshman year of high school (apx 15 years old)
These mentorship programs allows them to receive training on how to:
* enter the dance education or performing world after high school
* become a dance instructor in the future
* become a choreographer
​* gain additional dance and performing arts certifications
​....and more.....
We only allow a small number of students each season to participate. We encourage all students to strive to be part of these mentoring programs, and are looking for students with dedication to their dance studies both inside and outside of the classroom. Good attendance, ability to both take instruction and apply corrections and showing us that CMI is a priority to them are just a few of the qualities that we look for when selecting our annual participants.
​We want them to be as dedicated to our studio and our instruction program as they are to their own dance artistry so they can pass those qualities and training dedication on to the students they are assisting!
There is no cost to participate, as this is in essence a free training program that simply requires added time, interest and dedication from your student.
EMAIL US DIRECTLY if your teen is interested in this opportunity at cmi@countmeinohio.com!